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In this research, the career building of the female engineers who graduated from the Technical College are analyzed. And it is suggested that the education there should pay attention to the female students. The analysis of labor circumstances clarifies that of the job continuation, job leaving, change of job, and career building. In the future the education system at the Technical College will be required to be more conscious of gender-related matters.
論文 | ランダム
- 対談 ああせいこうせい新世紀プロ野球--「G独り勝ち」から「面白い野球」へ 技術論から球団経営まで語り合う 森祇晶(横浜ベイスターズ監督)VS.海老沢泰久(作家)
- 八木亜夫の時事放談(104)いい年をした私のiPhone体験
- 福祉現場における早期退職の要因に関する一考察--福祉人材育成の視点から
- creator's voice 時事放談 「4年の過渡期」の中で--検察と小沢氏と民主党と
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