Estimation of the Number of Meniere's Disease Patients in Japan:Based on the "Patient Survey" of a Local Self- Governing Body Sent to All Medical Care Institutions
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The estimation of the prevalence of Meniere's Disease (M.D.) is important not only for etiology but also making medical plans for the number of beds in regional hospitals.<BR>This report describes the results of a survey of patients with M.D. conducted in Tottori prefecture in 1990.<BR>The incidence of M.D. increased with age, and the male/female ratio was about 1 : 3. Treatment was mainly ambulatory (81 %), and only 19 % were hospitalized. About 80% of the patients were treated by internist.<BR>A stratified random sampling technique showed that the estimated number of M.D. patients in Japan was 115, 881. The 95% Confidence of Interval had a wide range, from 611, 713 to 170, 588.
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