Bioautography in fish—II.:Investigation on the in vivo effect of antibacterial agents in fish
- 59 Nifuratrone (PN 565)の化学療法的研究 : II. 実験的感染症に対する効果(微生物学分科会)(第71回日本獣医学会記事)
- 58 Nifuratrone (PN565)の化学療法的研究 : I. 試験管内抗微生物作用(微生物学分科会)(第71回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 5. 研究の問題点
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- Bioautography in fish-I.:Investigation on the absorption and distribution of antibacterial agents in fish.
- Effect on the Infection with Chondrococcus and Chronic Oral Toxicity of Furpyridinol(P-7138)in Goldfish
- Bioautography in fish—II.:Investigation on the in vivo effect of antibacterial agents in fish