バレエダンサーの技能の熟練度を見い出す1検査方法 : 回転後眼振を用いたVisual Suppression Testについて
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1. Twelve ballet dancers with various levels of dancing experience and skill were examined with the visual suppression test using post-rotatory nystagmus (PRVST) and caloric stimulation (CVST).<BR>2. The PRVST results showed a suppression rate of 80.7 %, higher than in untrained subjects. The CVST results showed a suppression rate of 80.1%, similar to that in untrained subjects.<BR>3. A correlation between the PRVST and CVST suppression rates and length of dancing experience showed that the suppression rate increased as the level of experience and skill rose.<BR>4. However, the CVST suppression rates in the two groups with fewer than 3 years and with 3 to 10 years of experience were close to those of untrained subjects. This is different from the PRVST supperssion rates.<BR>5. These results indicated that the PRVST and CVST tests can aid in the clinical and quantitative assessment of the functions of the central nervous system in the visual-vestibular interaction in ballet dancers. It is also possible that we have examined the function of the vestibulo-cerebellum in a state that can be thought to be the habituation of visual-vestibular interaction.<BR>6. It may also be possible to use the suppression rates of PRVST and CV ST to determine the approximate level of a dancers experience and skill.
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