- 論文の詳細を見る
Two experiments investigated the effects of mood states on the process of persuasion. Wehypothesized that positive mood would facilitate the heuristic processing, whereas the negativemood would facilitate the systematic processing. In Exp.1, moods were induced by asking aboutarecent happy or an unpleasant event. Next, the subjects were asked to read a strong message ora weak message and answer an attitude change measure. As the predicted results, the subjectsin negative mood elaborated the message, indicating more attitude change to a strong argumentthan a weak argument relative to the subiects in positive mood. In Exp.2, Hypotheses were thatheuristic processing in positive mood would facilitate the processing of image advertisement andthat systematic processing in negative mood would facilitate the processing of persuasivesentence advertisement. Subjects were presented with advertisement stimuli and the need forpurchasing the merchandises was assessed. Asaresult, one of the measures indicated aninteraction effect supporting the hypotheses. Therefore, it is concluded that subjects in negativemood are likely to engage in systematic processing and elaborate a message. The distinctionbetween automatic processing and controlled processing are proposed.
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