高齢者のめまい, 平衡障害 (第3報) : 温度眼振検査と重心動揺検査におけ加齢の影響および各検査間の相関関係に関する検討
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As previously reported, we found that older subjects have a reduction of slow phase velocity at higher target speeds in optokinetic nystagmus (OKN).<BR>In this article we discuss the influence of age on the other routine vestibular tests in a comparison of the data from different age groups : 35-44 years and older than 65 years.<BR>1. There were no significant reductions of the three parameters in the caloric test or in the fixation supression test.<BR>2. In the stabilometry test, the length of the body sway was significantly increased in the elderly group. On the other hand, the area of body sway showed no significant difference, which indicates the need for a feedback system in which the body sway can be minimized by fine movement control.<BR>3. There was no definite interrelationship between OKN and stabilometry.<BR>4. The standard deviations of those equilibrium test-results were larger in the elderly group than in the younger group.
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