前庭神経炎の予後 : 内耳温度刺激反応とGalvanic Body Sway Testについて
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Fifteen patients with vestibular neuronitis were followed up for the period ranging from 4 months to 5 years. These patients were examined by caloric test and galvanic body sway test (GBST).<BR>The results are as followes.<BR>1 Twe (13.3%) of fifteen patients with canal palsy showed complete restoration of caloric response.<BR>2 Six (50%) of twelve patients showed normal galvanic body sway response at the first examination.<BR>3 Twe (33.3%) of six patients with abnormal galvanic body sway response restored to normal.<BR>4 The restoration of caloric and galvanic response were found in same patients after 1 or 2 years from first examination.<BR>5 In only one patient who showed normal galvanic response at the first examination, galvanic response reduced after nine months.
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