Immunomodulating Capacity of Monocyte-Macrophage System in Cancer Patients
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To investigate the immunomodulating capacity of monocyte-macrophage system cells (Mφ) in cancer patients, we prepared an in vitro assay system for interleukin-1 (IL-1) and prostaglandin E (PGE) which are produced and released by these cells. Using this assay, we observed the changes in the Mφ capacity in accordance with the progress of the cancer, and also investigated the Mφ cell surface Ia antigen positive ratio (Ia ratio) with activated Mφ as an index. The results indicated that the Mφ in healthy control showed peak values of IL-1 and PGE production and the Ia ratio on the 3rd day of incubation, which means that both IL-1 and PGE were released simultaneously with the activation. IL-1 production and the Ia ratio decreased as the cancer progressed. However, PGE production tended to be less than that in healthy control in patients in the early stage of cancer, but markedly increased in cases of advanced cancer. Therefore, it was clear that the T-cell activating capacity of Mφ is comparatively well maintained in early cancer cases, but is greatly decreased in advanced cases. To observe the effects of cancer patients' serum on the Mφ capacity, Mφ of healthy control was preincubated in the serum of advanced cancer patients, and IL-1 production and the Ia ratio decreased, while PGE production markedly increased. Therefore, it was assumed that immunosuppressive factors in the serum of cancer patients inhibited the presentation of Ia antigen on the Mφ cell surface, and this resulted in suppression of the capacity.From the above investigations, one aspect of the immunodeficient condition in cancer patients became clear, and it appeared that when non-specific immunotherapy is considered, consideration should also be given to the suppression of PGE secretion as well as increases in IL-1 production in Mφ.
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- Immunomodulating Capacity of Monocyte-Macrophage System in Cancer Patients