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Pushing and tumbling operations (for example tipping a heavy object up on end by pushing it on one side) have good potential for improving the efficiency of robotic manipulation and for expanding the domains where the robot may be used, because robotic manipulators exploiting these operations need not grasp an object firmly and need not support its whole weight. This paper focuses on some aspects of robotic tumbling operations. First, analysis of three kinds of tumbling operations, the quasi-static stand-up operation, the tumble-over operation and the lay-down operation, will be-described. Second, a control system architecture which is suitable for these operations will be described. In this control system, each manipulator motion function and each sensor function (for example a touch sensor monitor) are programmed as primitive tasks which run in parallel. We can easily achieve simultaneous motion of several manipulators and sensor interactive motion (such as the guarded move) by controlling the running state of primitive tasks. Third, these three kinds of tumbling operation will be illustrated with experiments involving tumbling a block on a table using multi-jointed fingers.
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