- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of modern tumor immunology based on animal tumor models demonstrated the presence of tumor-specific antigens and the ability of tumor-specific immunity to protect against tumor cell challenge. However, neither of these characteristics are readily attributed to many human cancers. Although in certain animal models induced by virus or carcinogen, antigen-specific T cell (CTL) play an important role against tumor cell killing, the role of specific CTL is not so clear in human cancer.Recently, Brimm et al reported that peripheral blood leukocytes from cancer patients could be activated in culture in preparation of interleukin-2 (IL-2), resulting in the development of effector cells cytotoxic for autologous fresh solid tumor cells. The IL-2-mediated activation of PBL to become cytotoxic to fresh autologous solid tumor cells probably reflects a common and non-specific activation mechanism of the host. As the anomalous killer cells distinct from CTL and NK cell, lectin-activated killer, alloantigen-activated killer and lymphokine-activated killer are included.These cell killings were examined to the PBL of cancer patients.Lymphokine-activated killers represent a unique and fundamental cytotoxic effector system that may play a role in immune surveillance against NK resistant solid tumor cells, and may have a possible role in the adoptive immunotherapy of tumors.The generation of an immune response requires not only the appropriate interaction of cells from the monocytic and lymphoid lineages but also the release of appropriate cytokine by these cell populations. Evidemce is accumulating that many of the functions attributed to lymphocytes and monocytes are actually mediated by the cytokines they release. IL-2 is a lymphokine that is released by T cells after appropriate stimulation. IL-2 production activity in peripheral T cells of cancer patients was examined using IL-2 dependent T CTLL cell lines. The action of IL-2 is of the essential growth factor supporting the in vitro proliferation of T suppressor/cytotoxic cells, lymphokine-activated and NK cells. Furthermore, IL-2 enhances the functional activity of both lymphokine-activated and NK cells.The adopttve immunotherapy using IL-2 will be effective to cancer patients. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in one of monokine which has marked anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo experiments.Recently human recombinant IL-2 and TNF have been made in my country. The availability of molecular-cloned IL-2 and TNF offers the great advantages to the patients.
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- 液性免疫抑制因子 (癌と免疫抑制)
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- タイトル無し
- Increase of type I procollagen m-RNA of human fibroblast induced by mononuclear cells from the patient with chronic active hepatitis.
- Effect of ethanol on the hepatic clearance of serum glycoproteins in the rat.
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- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Adaptive immunotherapy of LAK cells and analysis of its effects.
- Symposium on mechanisms of host defense from fundamental and clinical medicine. 7. Host defense mechanisms against cancer.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Studies on the abnormalities of serum .ALPHA.1-acid glycoprotein in alcoholic patients.
- Symposium on diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Recent progress. II. Treatment of cancer. 2. Recent advance in immunotherapy.