Effects of a combination of thymopoietin pentapeptide (TP-5) and interleukin 2 on lymphocyte subsets and helper activity of cord blood T cells
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There have been several reports that lymphocytes of human cord blood have poor functional properties because of their immaturity and/or the presence of suppressor cells. We studied here the in vitro effects of thymopoietin pentapeptide (TP-5) and interleukin 2 (IL-2) on cord blood T cells. Lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry through the use of monoclonal antibodies after a 48 h culture period in TP-5 (optimal dose; 1μg/ml) and/or IL-2 (non-mitogenic dose used; 1% vol/vol). OKT 8-positive cells were significantly decreased after treatment in combination with TP-5 and IL-2. But there were no changes in the propotion of OKT 3-, T4-, T11- and Ial-positive cells. Poor helper activity of cord blood T cells, which was examined by enhancing activity of immunoglobulin-production of normal adult non-T cells stimulated by pokeweed mitogen, was enhanced to a significant level of IgG production after treatment in combination with two agents. Crude IL-2 activity was reevaluated through the use of recombinant IL-2.
- 日本臨床免疫学会の論文
新保 敏和
高橋 比路美
新保 敏和
中川 俊郎
高橋 清美
山倉 徹也
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