- 論文の詳細を見る
The one wheel vehicle robot has been developed, which. can travele on the rough, inclined and narrow road such as the inner pipe path. This robot has a gyro to hold the stable stand up possition. The sudden possitioning disturbance is converted to the slow gyro precession. Thus the possitioning is stabilized by controlling the gyro-precession. The robot turnes using the reaction torque accompanied with the acceleration and reduction of the gyro. The robot has leaning and rotating speed sensors in its body. The robot control and the processing of the data send from the sensors are performed by the micro computer system through the bilateral radio communication system. This paper shows the detail of the robot and its control system, and several results of the performance test using the bilateral radio communication system.
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- 138 100kg/mm^2級調質高張力鋼の急速加熱変態
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