- 論文の詳細を見る
The Japanese Archaeological Expedition to En-Gev conducted three seasons excavation work from 1990 to 1992. The dig centered in the acropolis area in the northern part of the site where two neighboring rectangular buildings were uncovered. The inside sections were divided into three aisles by two rows of limestone pillars.This type of building is called “tripartite pillared” and more than 15 examples have been discovered in the land of Israel over the past one hundred years.Archaeologists have proposed various theories concerning the upper structure as well as the use to which the building was put. The En-Gev buildings could be restored with a higher roof over the central aisle. Also, it is thought that these were public buildings in which men, wares and animals were accommodated under the same conditions and for a certain period of time. In short, these were official guest houses where not only Israelite but Aramaean travellers (soldiers, merchants, and officers) journeying between Samaria and Damascus took rest and lodged for the night.
- 社団法人 日本オリエント学会の論文
- J・ポラード、H・リード著、藤井留美訳『アレクサンドリアの興亡』主婦の友社、二〇〇九
- 三笠宮殿下とテル・ゼロール
- エン・ゲヴ出土の列柱付き建造物について
- 書評 David T. Sugimoto, Female Figurines with a Dish from the Southern Levant and the Formation of Monotheism, Keio University Press, Tokyo, 2008
- 聖書考古学と私(民族学考古学専攻設立25周年)
- 書評 Lynn E. Roller: In Search of God the Mother, the Cult of Anatolian Cybele
- フランツ・キュモンのローマ帝国宗教論
- ミトラス教図像の付属場面
- 滑石製祭祀用具再論
- ポール・ラップと聖書考古学
- ドゥラ・エウロポスのミトラス神殿と初期ミトラス教(三)
- ドウラ・エウロポスのミトラス神殿と初期ミトラス教(二)
- ドゥラ・エウロポスのミトラス神殿と初期ミトラス教(一)
- サマリア発掘調査史考(二)
- R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright, the Roman Inscriptions of Britain, I, Inscriptions on Stone, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1965.(REVIEW)
- R. Merrifield, The Roman City of London, Ernest Benn, London, 1965
- サマリア発掘調査史考(一)
- 古代末シリア宗教史研究(三)
- 古代末シリア宗教史研究(二)
- G. Downey, A History of Antioch in Syria from Seleucus to the Arab Conquest, Princeton Univ. Press, 1958, xviii+752 pp., 21 plates
- 古代末シリア宗教史研究(一)
- セム人の発生地の問題 : Grintzによる批判的要約(批評と紹介)
- ナバテア王オボダスの神格化について(間崎万里先生頌寿記念)
- N. Glueck, Rivers in the Desert, a History of the Negeb, 1959をめぐつて
- ナバテア王國の成立について(史學科開設五十周年記念)
- Moses Hadas, Hellenistic culture : its fusion and diffusion, Columbia Univ. Press. New York, 1959