- 論文の詳細を見る
Julfar is a well researched archaeological site located in the Arabian Gulf. The name of Julfar is found in old documents, printed maps after the 16th century and indeed remains the name for the modern local area. The city of Julfar was founded in the middle of the 14th century and became a large city in the latter half of the 14th century, declining in the middle of the 15th century. The size of its residential area was the largest in the region at the time.We have some questions concerning the urbanization of Julfar. What kind of city was it? Why was it established? Why did it suddenly collapse? How did the people live there? These questions are discussed in this paper by using the change in settlement plans and combination of finds excavated from seven stratigraphic horizons at the site. Topographic data is also used to help reconstruct the layout of the city.Huge amounts of ceramics, such as Chinese blue & white and green ware, Myanmar green ware, Iranian glazed ware and local unglazed earthenware demonstrate the developed urban life of Julfar and its connections with long distance maritime trade. Palm houses were built on the coast in layer 7, the lowest earliest layer. Mud brick houses densely covered the area in layer 6 a, showing the establishment of a crowded city. This declined gradually afterwards, as can be seen from the house plans in layers 5 to 1.The daily subsistence of its inhabitants was obtained from a combination of marine resources and domestic livestock, supplemented by food cultivated in farms in the vicinity. The discovery of ornament and metal workshops shows that industrial activities were also carried out. Julfar became famous for pearling. Trade with Hormuz seems to have influenced the development and subsequent decline of Julfar.
- 社団法人 日本オリエント学会の論文
- ジュルファール出土陶磁器の重量
- 陶磁器素地成分は部位による違いがあるか
- 画像処理法による陶磁器素地の定量化と産地推定
- アンコール遺跡タニ窯跡群 : 発掘調査の成果と環境整備方針
- アラビア海沿岸出土陶磁器の元素分析
- 亀井明徳著『日本貿易陶磁史の研究』(出版物紹介)
- ハレイラ島の発掘 : 1998年
- 発掘資料解釈と景観復元によるジュルファルの都市的性格検証
- 金沢大学総合移転第II期計画地内埋蔵文化財調査報告・1995年9月