Monte Carlo calculations of source characteristics of FNS water cooled type tritium target.
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The source neutron characteristics of a water cooled type tritium target at the Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) facility were calculated using a three-dimensional Monte Carlo method. The angular distribution and the energy spectra of the source neutrons were calculated and compared with the measured results. The comparison showed a reasonable agreement which increased the confidence of both measurement and calculation. The calculated neutron spectra which are free from the detector resolution smearing and which extend to lower neutron energy, will be used as the reference source for the future analyses of the experiments using the present-type water cooled target.
- 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
IKEDA Yujiro
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
TANAKA Shun-ichi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Nakamura Tomoo
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
SEKI Yasushi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Oyama Yukio
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
KAWASAKI Hiromitsu
Century Research Center Corp.
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