Prediction of Dryout Heat Flux for Particle Bed Simulating Degraded Core in LWR Severe Core Damage Accidents
- Experimental Study of Falling Water Limitation under a Counter-Current Flow in a Vertical Rectangular Channel : 1st Report, Effect of Flow Channel Configuration and Introduction of CCFL Correlation
- Heat Transfer Characteristics in Narrow Vertical Rectangular Channels Heated from Both Sides
- Improvement of Critical Heat Flux Correlation for Research Reactors using Plate-Type Fuel
- Mechanism of Falling Water Limitation under Counter-current Flow through a Vertical Flow Path
- Experimental Study of Homogeneously Dispersed Two-phase Critical Flow
- Core thermohydraulic design with 20% LEU fuel for upgraded research reactor JRR-3.
- Experimental study of incipient nucleate boiling in narrow vertical rectangular channel simulating subchannel of upgraded JRR-3.
- Analytical study on thermal-hydraulic behavior of transient from forced circulation to natural circulation in JRR-3.
- Experimental study of differences in DNB heat flux between upflow and downflow in vertical rectangular channel.
- Heat Transfer Calculation of Simulated Heater Rods throughout Reflood Phase in Postulated PWR-LOCA Experiments
- Estimation of average void fraction in vertical two-phase flow channel under low liquid velocity.
- Evaluation of Local Power Distribution with Fine-mesh Core Model for High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR).
- Effects of partial flow blockage on core heat transfer in forced-feed reflood tests.
- Upper plenum dump during reflood in PWR loss-of-coolant accident.
- Prediction of Dryout Heat Flux for Particle Bed Simulating Degraded Core in LWR Severe Core Damage Accidents
- Combined forced and free convective heat transfer characteristics in narrow vertical rectangular channel heated from both sides.
- Downcomer effective water head during reflood in postulated PWR LOCA.
- Experimental study of differences in single-phase forced-convection heat transfer characteristics between upflow and downflow for narrow rectangular channel.
- Experimental study of upper core quench in PWR reflood phase.
- Parameter effects on downcomer penetration of ECC water in PWR-LOCA.
- Analysis of saturated film boiling heat transfer in reflood phase of PWR-LOCA. Turbulent boundary layer model.:Turbulent Boundary Layer Model
- Film boiling heat transfer during reflood phase in postulated PWR loss-of-coolant accident.
- Elimination of Numerical Pressure Spikes Induced by Two-Fluid Model.