Quantitative Evaluation of ECCS Capability during Refill-Reflood Phase for BWR LOCA
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In this study, to evaluate the core cooling characteristics and water level transient more realistically during refill-reflood phase for a BWR LOCA, several separate effects tests have been carried out. Several correlations and physical models, based on this study, were utilized to develop a computer code SAFER03. The verification of SAFER03 by ROSA-III and FIST-ABWR tests showed that the SAFER03 predicted well the water level transient and the peak cladding temperature with some margin. This study enabled a realistic prediction of BWR emergency core cooling system performance during LOCA. This paper is a summary report on the study results.
論文 | ランダム
- 通信サービス仕様検証エミュレータの構築及び評価
- 通信サービス仕様検証エミュレータの構成法に関する検討
- 7. 白血球遊走阻止試験の改良(6 細胞性免疫の試験管内テスト)
- 5. 末梢血を用いての MI test について(6 細胞性免疫の試験管内テスト)
- 37.胸腺摘出重症筋無力症患者の血清抗体およびリンパ球反応性について(自己免疫と膠原病)