- 論文の詳細を見る
The third seasons work of the Japanese Expedition to Tel Zeror was carried out under the direction of Prof. Dr K. Ohata in the summer of 1967, when a piece of a broken steatite bowl was found in stratum IX (thel late tenth to the early ninth centuries B. C.). We were not able to delve into studying this piece in full in the report “Tel Zeror III” which was published in 1970.Here is the first half of our comprehensive survey of the parallels as well as the final result of the restoration of the Tel Zeror piece.It is very similar to those which are owned by the Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, and the National Museum, Copenhagen. Thus the hand with four fingers on the surface of the bowl was restored as the left foreleg of the lion-protoma which mounted the hollow “handle”. The statement in “Tel Zeror III” that the hand is “human” is now discarded. There has been found another type of the “human” hand (palm) decoration, but in fact it was also not human, but must have been devine.On the other hand, the chronological analysis of the decorative elements of the parallels from Syria and Palestine has led us to the conclusion that their original home was not Egypt, nor Canaan, nor Anatolia; that most elements came from the artistic motifs of Hyksos and Hurrians in the Bronze Age; that they were synthesized in North Syria in the Early Iron Age under the strong influence of the decorative idea of the Urartu and Luristan arts.The cardinal points which are to be discussed in the second half of our study will be: that the ritual for which these bowls were used was not incense burning but libation; that this Iron Age cult was Nordic and that for the worship of violence and fury; that the cult was imported by Aramaean and Neo-Hittite people to the land of Israel.
- テル・ゼロール出土滑石製祭祀用小鉢断片について
- ローマ帝国への古代オリエント宗教の流入
- 流沙海西奨学会篇『アジア文化史論叢1』山川出版社 1973年 xi+425頁
- 蛭沼寿雄, 秀村欣二, 新見宏, 荒井献, 加納政弘著『原典新約時代史-ギリシヤ, ローマ, エジプト, ユダヤの史料による-』山本書店 1976年
- フリートベルク出土のクラテールの装飾について
- ミトラス教とキリスト教の関係に関する最近の論潮
- Leroy A. Campbell, Mithraic Iconography and Ideology, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1968.
- ウン・マル・アマッド発掘報告書の再検討
- 書評 Lynn E. Roller: In Search of God the Mother, the Cult of Anatolian Cybele
- フランツ・キュモンのローマ帝国宗教論
- ミトラス教図像の付属場面
- 滑石製祭祀用具再論
- ポール・ラップと聖書考古学
- ドゥラ・エウロポスのミトラス神殿と初期ミトラス教(三)
- ドウラ・エウロポスのミトラス神殿と初期ミトラス教(二)
- ドゥラ・エウロポスのミトラス神殿と初期ミトラス教(一)
- サマリア発掘調査史考(二)
- R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright, the Roman Inscriptions of Britain, I, Inscriptions on Stone, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1965.(REVIEW)
- R. Merrifield, The Roman City of London, Ernest Benn, London, 1965
- サマリア発掘調査史考(一)
- 古代末シリア宗教史研究(三)
- 古代末シリア宗教史研究(二)
- G. Downey, A History of Antioch in Syria from Seleucus to the Arab Conquest, Princeton Univ. Press, 1958, xviii+752 pp., 21 plates
- 古代末シリア宗教史研究(一)
- セム人の発生地の問題 : Grintzによる批判的要約(批評と紹介)