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Elemental Powders of Ni and Ti with the composition of Ni<SUB>33</SUB>Ti<SUB>67</SUB> were mechanically alloyed for various periods of time by a holizontal ball mill. Changes of shape and phase of the processed powders with processing time were studied using SEM, x-ray diffraction and DSC. The MA powders were sintered by hot press. The phase, microstructure, relative density and hardness of sintered compacts were studied using SEM, TEN, x-ray diffraction and vickers hardness tester. The existence of an amorphous phase was confirmed as final alloying stage, which was identified by x-ray diffraction and DSC. A single NiTi<SUB>2</SUB> phase was formed on sintering of well-milled powders. The optimum MA time for sintering with respect to the chemical homogeniety, relative density, and hardness of the sintered compacts was found to be longer than 360ks.
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