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Submicron particles of BeO without additives have been subjected to temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1400°C and pressure at 20 kb. Translucent specimens with theoretical density were fabricated in the case when sintering time was longer than 5 minutes. The optical transmissions in the vissible range were determined to be about 60% for the specimen with the thickness of 0.8mm sintered at 1000-1200°C.<BR>Concerning the grain growth of polycrystalline body, there exsists the following relation between grain size (D) and sintering time (t).<BR>D=Kt<SUP>n</SUP><BR>The value of n in the above formula was determined to be 1/2 for this study. The activation energy for grain growth was calculated as 44 Kcal/mol from the slope in the logK/n vs. 1/T plots.
- 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会の論文
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