- 論文の詳細を見る
Microstructures of thin films deposited obliquely from two sources were evaluated by means of 3D-computer simulation. The two sources were arranged in a common plane of incidence with equivalent angle of incidence, and hard spheres were rondomly generated from the two sources. Each hard sphere was assumed to travel on the straight line until it came in contact with one of the already deposi ?? ed spheres, and a sticking coefficient of unity and no relaxation after the deposition were assumed. The computer-generated thin film was shown to be a fine-composite consisting of nm-scale voids and columnar materials and to have two-dimensional anisotropic features, and in the deposited materials the spheres from one source tended to aggregate to one side of the column and the spheres from the other source to the other side of the column. The oblique deposition was suggested to be a useful method to generate a variety of nm-scale fine composites.
- 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会の論文
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