- 論文の詳細を見る
The frequency selectivity of the ear is measured by combination of two oscillators and an electronic switch in respect to relative difference limen in the normal ears as well as in the pathological ears with perception deafness. The differen limen is greater in the ears of perception deafness that: in the normal ears. However, the individual variation of the D.L. makes obscure differential diagnosis. Only D.L. for 4000 is found available in differential diagnosis.The authors explain that measure of relative D.L. is not suitable representation of the frequency selectivity of the ear and that it should be replaced by another type of measure i.e. Q from the dynamical theory of resonance. Various values of Q are calculated from the relative D.L. actually obtained from the normal ears and then compared with the mechanical Q of the basilar membrane. A marked difference between the two types of Q indicates that the sharp frequency selectivity of the ear depends more exclusively upon the neural mechanism of the ear including the hearing center than the resonance mechanism of the basilar membrane.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
山下 公一
東京医科歯科大学第2外科 耳鼻咽喉科 病理学教室
角田 忠信
恩地 豊
肥留川 恒一郎
田代 通
角田 忠信
山下 公一
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