- 論文の詳細を見る
During the two-year period from 1955 to 1957, the number of ears that we had been able todiagnose as clinical otosclerosis, amounted to 38 ears out of 21 cases examined in our department, and out of them only 15 ears received fenestration.In the postoperative hearing test of these 15 fenestrated ears, all of them showed improvement, although one case developed bony closure of the new fenestra, which was corrected by secondsurgery. Seven ears out of ten that we could follow up for more than one year after fenestration, restored the practical level of 30db in the average speech range. Ten ears out of 11 A-type earsrestored the level of 30db. In C-type ears, only one out of 4 ears restored a hearing improvement, reaching to the level of 30db.In average, the ears that had shown preoperative level of 53 db restored 24db, reaching to thelevel of 29db. Which is equal to the anticipated value obtained by Carharts method preoperati-vely.Moreover, postoperative labyrinthitis was seen in 5 minimal type ears, 10 mild type and onemoderate type in the classification described by Shambaugh and Takahara. It is interesting to notethat minimal serous labyrinthitis was seen in A-type and also the most of A-type restored thepractical level of hearing. In the case with complete fixation of stapes, there was an averagehearing improvement of 25db after operation, while an average improvement was 17db in the caseswith incomplete fixation, showing that the cases with complete fixation were greatly improved bythe operation.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
高原 滋夫
隅田 正二
藤森 春樹
長尾 暢三
高原 滋夫
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