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The study was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the oto-rhino-laryngological status of the japanese individuals with co-operation of the department of public health, University of Tokyo.Materials used in the study were 376 elderly individuals, including 214 males and 162 females, selected from a population of 5027 inhabitants living in the Totsuka ward, Yokohama City. The age of the subjects ranges between 61 to 85 years. The characteristics of this investigation is the application of random sampling method for selecting the subjects from common people living at their own home, not from those at an asylum for -the aged. Therefore, it is considered that the results of this study revealed the more accurate status of elderly individuals than that of previously performed by another investigator. The findings obtained were as follows.1) Otologic findings: The eardrum has a tendency to increase its turbidity of senile nature in the advancement of age, while the so-called senile ear-ring was observed through almost all the cases. The pathologic changes of the drum observed in these cases was revealed, in relatively large number to be those of the resi dual inflammatory process of the middle ear (male 32, female 31)2) Rhinologic findings: Paranasal sinusitis was found to occupy the greatest proportion of the nasal diseases observed in the materials (male 40, female 39). However, one fourths of them showed a different aspect of the disease compared with those of younger generation, in a way that they did not complain of any clinical symptoms, such as rhinorrhea, heavy feeling of the head, hyposnomia etc; that is of the so-called noncomplain. The poliosis of the vibrissae manifest itself somewhat later than that of the hair of the head and it appears more early and frequently in male than in female. The number of cases of physiological hyposmia increases in advanced ages.3) Pharyngeal findings: Chronic pharyngitis was observed in 10% of the cases of both sexes. Both faucial and lingual tonsils have a tendency to exhibit a gradual increment of involution over 61 years of age, particularly true when in males. Even in case of pharyngitis, the tonsils were found to be free from an inflammatory reaction. Retention of saliva was frequently observed in the hypopharynx, without accompanying the feeling of foreign body. This suggests the presence of paresis of mucous membrane of this region.4) Laryngeal findings: The omega-form of the epiglottis was seen in 15% of the cases, more frequently in men, while it tends to increase in number only after 61 years of age in females. No difference was seen between both sexes in the findings of the vocal cords. The peculiar pictures of the cord in advanced age-group are those of atrophy or opening of the glottic space at phonation and they tend to be numerous in advanced ages. The cases with these findings were inclined to be aware of the change in voice. Chronic laryngitis was seen more common in males :than in females. (male 21, female 7).5) In conclusion, a marked difference between sexes was found to be generally present in the oto-rhino-laryngological findings of elderly individuals, particularly in many items of the phenomenon of their involution. This phenomenon has a tendency, as a rule, to make appearance earlier and more markedly in male sex, except the turbidity of the ear drum.
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