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A basic study of electrocochleography (ECoG) was performed on guinea pigs with kana- mycin (KM) intoxication, using the same apparatus and method as for humans. Histrogical observation of the hair cells was carried out under a light microscope after succinic dehydro- genase (SDH) staining and surface preparation. The relationship between the cochlear poten- tials (AP, CM and SP) and the degree of hair cell damages was examined. The following results were obtained: 1. The elevation of the threshold of AP response to a click was correlative with the degree of hair cell damages, especially in the cases of the outer hair cell damages on the lower turn. The of elevation the AP threshold was found to be 40 dB SPL (sound pressure level) in these cases. 2. The amplitude of AP response to a click was correlative with the degree of hair cell damages. In the cases of the outer hair cell damages on the lower turn, the AP amplitude decreased. 3. The latency of AP response to a click showed a tendency to prolong in the cases ofthe outer hair cell damages on the lower turn. 4. The elevation of the threshold of CM response to a pure tone burst was correlative with the degree of outer hair cell damages, starting from the high frequency range. 5. The decrease in amplitude of CM response to a pure tone burst was correlat*ve with the degree of outer hair cell damages on the lower turn. The CM amplitude decreased sepeci-ally in the cases of the outer hair cell damages on the lower turn. 6. For the component of SP, the baseline shift was recorded in ECoG. A large negative SP was recorded in the cases of the outer hair cell damages on the lower turn.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 第35回 日本平衡神経科学会
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