- 論文の詳細を見る
Measurements of attic and tympanic cavity were performed in 45 normal adults (90 sides) using Polytome. Cochlear plane in the sagittal projecction and tympanum (ossicular) plane in the lateral projection were used for the measurements. In the cochlear plane, a horizontal line running through the base of the radiological spur was used as a line separating the attic from the tympanic cavity (mesotympanum). In the tympanum plane, a similar line passing the anterior tympanic spine was used.The results of measurements were as follows: in the cochlear plane, height of the attic 7.2mm, width of th attic 7.3mm, and length of the radiological spur 3.7mm, and in the tympanum plane, height of the attic 6.1mm, anterior-posterior diameter of the attic 7.7mm, height of the tympanic cavity 10.3mm, and anterior-posterior diameter of the tympanic cavity 8.9mm.No statistically significant differences were seen between the right and left sides. In almost all the measurements, the male showed larger values than the female and statistically significant differences were seen in the height, width and anterior-posterior diameter of the attic. There was a close correlation between the height and the anterior-posterior diameter of the attic, but little correlation between values of the attic and those of the tympanic cavity.
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