Congenital ocular motor apraxiaの1例 : 眼と頭の協同運動の分析
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In a 15-year-old boy with congenital ocular motor apraxia the movements of the eyes and head during lateral gaze were recorded without eliminating head motility. The following characteristics of eye-head coordination were clarified. 1. The sequence of eye and head movements is divided into three periods according to the direction in which they are moving relative to one another. First, the head turns in the direction of the target and the eyes move in the opposite direction. Second, both head and eyes move toward the target, the eyes having changed their direction. Third, the head turns back from the overshooting position, while the eyes continue moving toward the target. 2. During all three periods the gaze in space, i. e. the sum of the eye and head movements, continues to shift toward the target and reaches it. 3. The patient was able to fixate a target more quickly with the head free than with the head fixed.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
新井 寧子
東京女子医科大学東医療センター 耳鼻咽喉科
山田 多佳子
高橋 正紘
上村 卓也
島崎 千賀
山田 多佳子
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