喉頭血管平滑筋腫(vascular leiomyoma)の一症例
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Tumors of smooth muscle cell origin of the upper respiratory tract are extremely rare, especially of the larynx, and less than twenty cases have been reported in literature. Survey of literature also revealed that there was no case of laryngeal leiomyoma reported in Japan.A 47-year-old, otherwise healthy man visited our clinic with complaint of slight laryngeal discomfort. Indirect laryngoscopr showed a semiglobular tumor-like swelling of the right false cord. Direct laryngoscopy was performed under general anethesia and the tumor, lying in the submucotic region of the false cord, was enucleated totally. It was a firm, smooth and round tumor with a diameter of 8mm. Microscopic examination revealed that the tumor was a vascular leiomyoma most likely arising from the smooth muscle of the submucous small blood vessels of the right false cord. No cellular atypia or mitosis was observed. The patient is well without recurrence eleven months after operation.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 日本語半母音/j/調音の筋電図学的研究
- 日本語母音調音の筋電図学的研究
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- 喉頭血管平滑筋腫(vascular leiomyoma)の一症例
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