- 論文の詳細を見る
he aim of the present study was to analyze human neuro-psycho-physiological processes in rapid repetition of a syllable /pa/. In Experiment 1, middle latency responses (MLR) and slow vertex responses (SVR) to auditory stimuli were recorded in 2 normal adults during rest and rapid repetition of /pa/ in response to the stimuli. In Experiment 2, reaction times (RT) of rapid repetition were measured in 10 normal young adults on three tasks; the first was to utter /pa/, /ta/ or /ka/ rapidly to a corresponding stimulus /pa/, /ta/ or /ka/ (RTA). The second was to utter only /pa/ from the condition of preparing for /pa/ production in response to only /pa/ stimulus of them (RTB). The third was to utter /pa/ from the same condition of the second task in response to only /pa/ stimulus (RTC). As the results in Experiment 1, the latency of P1 shifted form 75msec to 60msec, while there was no discernible change in MLR. In Experiment 2, the obtained RT were; 323.6msec (RTA), 295.5msec (RTB), and 240.9msec (RTC), respectively.The results suggest the following: 1) The auditory sensorineural process takes 60msec. This value seems to correspond to the latency of P1 in SVR.2) The auditory discrimination takes 60msec. This value seems to correspond to the latency from P1 to N1.3) Motor programming process takes 30msec. This value is larger than N1.4) "Motor neuron time" is 80msec.5) Latency from activation of the speech muscles to voice onset is 100msec. It is concluded that the RT paradigm would be useful for the study of language and speech disorders.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
鈴木 重忠
能登谷 晶子
能登谷 晶子
杉盛 恵
宮崎 為夫
梅田 良三
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- 第二群のまとめ
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