- 論文の詳細を見る
Several methods have been devised to find a realistic method for evaluating the airflow resistance in the human nose for a better understanding of nasal physiology. However, each of these methods has limitations and none proved to be an ideal one. Therefore, a standard measurement technique and a standard expression for nasal resistance have not been agreed with and a comparison among the findings of various investigations is difficult.The new method adopted in this paper has the advantages of simplicity, range of applicability, accuracy and sensitivity.The resistance in the nasal airway or in the portion below the pharynx was calculated from three separate measurements of total respiratory resistance by the forced oscillation technique.The three measurements of total respiratory resistance were obtained when the subject was breathing:A) through both nostrils, B) through the left nostril, C) through the right nostril.Evaluation of the upper and lower airflow resistance has been analyzed from the three measurements of A, B, and C according to the equation described by Lacourt and Polger.With this method, it is possible to determine numerical values for the resistance in different parts of the respiratory system such as each nostril or the portion below the pharynx, without opening the mouth or measuring pressure gradients within subdivisions of the airways, or using an artificial airway.The technique is simple for both the subjects and the tester.
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