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The aim of this research is to clarify problems of communication among children, which is declining in most of rural areas because of decrease in population and urbanizing lifestyles.We evaluated their communications in a quantitative way to grasp the differences from distinctions in spatial and temporal conditions. We analyzed those data to clarify the effects of their residential character and their private lessons after school to communication in the suburban area. As a result, their main spaces for communication were only private ones, such as their houses and their friends houses, and they seldom use public spaces or distinctive rural spaces. From the evaluations it was also clarified that each space had particular time to be used and specific area of users. In the most developed (urbanized) area children communicated with each other frequently. The reason for this tendency of privatization and urbanization was considered that their residences were scattered around the school area and it was difficult to share communication spaces, and their private lessons were given in the time when public communication spaces were used mostly.
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