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During the 10 year period from Jan. 1955 to Dec. 1964, we encountered 77 cases diagnosed as clinical otosclerosis in our department. We examined and statistically discussed these cases mainly from the view of its clinical aspects and obtained the following results.Incidence of otosclerosis in our clinic sho- wed approximately 0.3% among the patients com- plaining of ear problems, which revealed of quite low incidence as that in Negro.2. Sex incidence, age at onset, audiometric results and other clinical signs and symptoms except for low occurrence in heredity showed no marked differences from those in Europe and America.3. Fenestration operation and stapes surgery by Sheas technic were applied to 30 ears resulting marked hearing improvement. Especially, performing the fenestration of 27 ears, we succeeded in 22 ears to get the practical level of 30 db in the average speech range, which were maintained over 5 years or more.Moreover, we were able to confirm the otosclerotic foci under the direct vision during the operation though we lacked histological examinations.
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