Candida Albicansによる家兎の平衡障害の実験的研究 特に前庭症状と病理所見について
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The author was able to produce equilibrium disturbance by infecting candida albicans in rabbits.Fifty-three rabbits were to be pretreated with dead candida before they were innoculated with alive candida.Candida was injected intravenously into the rabbits.The author performed the routine vestibular function test and obsrved histologically these equilibrium disturbed rabbits, and researched their etiology and pathophysiology.The resuits obtained were summarized as follows:1) Spontaneous nystagmus occured in 16 cases.2) Positional nystagmus occured in 33 cases.3) Caloric test was employed in all cases.14 cases had bilateral C.P., 24 cases unilateral C.P., 9 cases D.P., l case C.P.+D.P.and 5 cases had normal reaction.4) Postural reflex lowered in 25 cases.5) Head distorsion was found in 17 cases.In pathological finding, inflammatory exsuda tive changes a week after the last injection and productive changes over a month after, were found in the labyrinth and the brain of infected rabbits.In the labyrinth, marked changes, microabscess, hemorrhage, exsudative retention and fibrinous net were found.In the brain, microabscess, hemorrhage and degeneration of nervous cell were observed.Candida bodies were found in microabscess both labyrinth and brain in early stage.Equilibrium disturbance was mostly innoculated with labyrinthine destructive changes, however it was related withe brain changes partially.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文