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The vestibule-ocular and vestibulo-vegetative reflexes were polygraphically studied on two patients with Menieres disease in whom unilateral labyrinthotomies had been carried out.Electroencephalogram, electronystagmogram, plethysmogram, galvanic skin reaction, electrocard iogram and respiration were simultaneously recorded in the patients recovering from general anest hesia and for 52 hours after the operation.The results obtained were as follows :1. Spontaneous nystagmus in the recovery stage from the anesthetic condition was towards the unoperated side, and gaze nystagmus, also remained.2. In the awakened condition from anesthsia, spontaneous nystagmus were more frequently recognized in eyes covered or closed than in eyes opened.3. During natural sleeping condition, spontaneous nystagmus and some vegetative phenomenawere extremely suppressed.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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