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1. A statistical review and therapeutic results of 50 cases of Otitis media exsudativa were reported.2. There were no difference in the sex distinction and it was found mostly in age over 50 years and few among children.3. Almost in all cases there was complication of the Eustachian tube stricture. Among those, severe constriction was found in 44% of cases which appeared to be the most prevalent (80%) in age over 50 years.4. Transudation in the tympanic cavity was mostly aseptic and physical quality appeared to be the transudat that microskopic examination, schowed predominatly lymphocytes.5. The author considered that the cause of this disiease is eustachian tube stricture (mostlychronic incrassation) including Eustachian tube inflammation and allergic inflammation in the tympanic cavity.6. Otitis media exsudativa shows gradualy changes of on set frequency in connection with pneumatisation of the mastoid process with the times, we consider that the chemotherapy is the important cause of it.7. We employed cephalatin in treatment of otitis media exsudativa in 28 patients and found it to be effective in 78.5% of the cases.8. Tetracycline appeared to be effective in 3 cases among the 5 cases taeated.
論文 | ランダム
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