両側先天性中耳畸形, 特に鐙骨畸形の一症例について
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The cases of congenital malformation of the middle ear have often been reported, but the condition limited to the stapes alone as presented in this paper, seems to be rare in literature.The patient was a girl of 13 years old whose chief complaint was hard of hearing. No abnormal finding was seen on otoscopic examination, but functional examination revealed the impairment of hearing which might be attributable to congenital stapes fixation or otosclerosis. On exploring the middle ear cavity, it was found that the stapes on each side were malformed, the left malleo-incudal joint was dislocated and a part of the right Fallopian Canal was impaired as to expose the facial nerve.Fenestration operation was performed on the left ear with remarkable improvement of hearing.The same procedure will be tried on the right ear in the near future.Review of the literature and some considerations on the development of the malformation of the case were made from the aspect of embryology.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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