内耳組織および内耳液におよぼすDiamox(acetazolamide sodium)の影響,および炭酸脱水酵素の組織化学的研究
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A study was made on the influence of Diamox (acetazolamide sodium) upon inner ear tissue and inner ear fluid, for this drug has been in use for glaucoma for its depressive effect upon the intraocular pressure. On an assumption of the presence of carbonic anhydrase in stria vascularis, widely recognized site of secretion of endolymph, histochemical demonstration of the enzyme was also attempted by modified Hauslers method. Materials used were human kidneys and adult normal guinea pigs and rats. Vital transfusion fixative specimen of inner ear of adult normal guinea pigs were made 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours respectively after the injection of 100 mg Kg of acetazolamide sodium. One-hour specimen showed marked dilation of capillaries of stria vascularis and twelve-hour specimen, depression of Reissners membrane. Decrease of sodium in endolymph was noted one hour after the injection of the substance. When 20 micron thick, non-decalcified frozen section of cochlea, placed on a eolodium menbrane, was free floated on the surface of the incubation medium according to Hauslers method, stria vascularis was positively stained to indicate the presence of carbonic anhydrase. The same method also demonstrated the activity of carbonic anhydrase along the inner border or brush border of urinary tubule endothelia of human kidney as well as in the proximal urinary tubule endothelia of normal adult rat and guinea pig.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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