Study on Effect of Petit Deltas at the Leading Edge of a Main Delta Wing on the Wing Characteristics
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A delta wing with a sawtooth leading edge has an ability to improve its aerodynamic performance, which was suggested and confirmed by the authors previous study [1]. It should not be practical, economical and easily controllable, because the sawtooth configuration part extends from the apex of the delta wing to the trailing edge. In this research a few petit delta parts beside the whole sawtooth leading edge was suggested on the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for its optimization by changing their location on the leading edge, the number of petit deltas, and the configuration of the petit part. The aerodynamic characteristics of the suggested wing were investigated by experimental as well as numerical studies with the comparison to both the base delta wing without a sawtooth leading edge and the whole sawtooth delta wing. It was found that a series of three petit deltas with the modified rear configuration, which are located at the middle of the leading edge, gives the best performances at the attack angle for its taking off and landing. The reason for the best lift and such the complicated flow field as the primary leading edge separation vortex interacting with the flow from the petit deltas was examined in detail.
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