On the Publications of the ICRP
- Adsorption of ^Co on Non-ionic Macro-reticular Resin Impregnated Tetraphenylarsonium Chloride or Tetraphenylarsonium thiocyanate
- Coprecipitation Behavior of Radioruthenium in Sea Water (1)
- Cesium Turnover in Man following Single Administration of ^Cs 1. Whole Body Retention and Excretion Pattern
- A Method of Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in Human Urine
- Cesium-137 Concentration in Human Urine and Estimation of Cesium-137 Body Burden Due to World-wide Fallout
- Strontium 90 and Cesium 137 in Fallout Deposits and Implications of Their Ratio
- 60Coの非イオン性巨大網状構造樹脂への吸着におよぼすテトラフェニルアルソニウム塩化物の影響
- オキシン存在下における60Coなどの非イオン性巨大網状構造樹脂への吸着挙動
- Multi-Loaded Metal Salt(s)-Ion Exchange Resins: Their Preparation and Applications
- セロソルブによるカルシウムとストロンチウムの分離
- Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (Adopted September 17, 1965), A review
- On the Publications of the ICRP