住民参加による山岳林の持続的利用 : インドネシアとイランの例から考える
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This paper tests the assumption that forests should be utilized rather than protected for their conservation based on some cases in Indonesia and Iran. Generally, it is believed that forests can be better conserved by means of fences or laws ; however, this is not true in many developing countries because people readily break either fences or laws to survive. In Indonesia, a forest in Java Island is being conserved through a partnership of its manager and local people. This motivates the local people to conserve the forest, because benefits derived from the forest are shared by both the manager and the local people. It should be stressed that forest conservation results in failure if benefits derived from forests are monopolized by their manager or owner, or if local people are excluded from forests designated as a national park. In Iran, a forestry company is planting and harvesting trees based on its scientific forest management plan. In addition, this forest may to be used by the local people for recreation. In conclusion, forests should be utilized rather than protected by fences or laws to be better conserved, especially in developing countries.
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