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To clarify the deformation and slip mechanisms in seismogenic regions, we designed and developed a new gas-medium, high-pressure and high-temperature apparatus. The apparatus can attain confining pressures up to 200 MPa by argon gas, temperatures up to 800°C, and pore pressures up to 200 MPa by argon gas or water. Confining and pore pressures can be applied and servo-controlled. We report preliminary test results. The stress-strain curve of granite sample at a confining pressure of 200 MPa and a temperature of 800°C shows a ductile behavior. One of the friction parameters, the <I>a-b</I> value defined as the velocity dependence of steady-state friction, of quartz gouge was measured under hydrothermal conditions.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
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- カルサイトの炭素・酸素同位体比から見た野島断層浅部破砕帯のシール過程の解明
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- 特集「断層帯の物質科学と地震の発生過程」について
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