Estimation of population dose and risk to holding assistants from veterinary X-ray examination in Japan.
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the estimation of the population doses and risks of stochastic effects to assistants who hold animals during veterinary X-ray examinations a random survey of hospitals and clinics was carried out concerning age distribution of such assistants by groups of facilities.The average organ and tissue dose per examination was evaluated from the experimental data using mean technical factors such as X-ray tube voltage, tube current and field size based on the results of a nationwide survey.The population doses to the assistants were calculated to be about 14nSv per person per year for the genetically significant dose, 3.5nSv per person per year for per caput mean marrow dose, 3.3nSv for the leukemia significant dose and 4.5nSv for the malignant significant dose, respectively. The total risk of stochastic effects to the Japanese population from holding assistants was estimated using population data and it was estimated to be less than one person per year, but the cancer risks to a number of the assistants were estimated to be more than 4×10-5.
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