Measurements of the deposition rate of airborne radon daughter products by track etch detectors
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In order to evaluate the deposition rate of airborne radon daughters, the cellulose nitrate films Kodak LR115, type II had been put on the walls inside and outside of buildings. After having been exposed to airborne radon daughters for about one year, the films were collected and etched for 140min using 2.5N NaOH solution at 60°C. Then the track densities were counted under the microscope. From the track densities, the deposition rates of radon daughters (φA) were evaluated, the value of which showed fairly good correlation with 222Rn concentrations measured at each location. The deposition velocities were also estimated from φA using the concentration of free RaA atoms (RaA atoms unattached on aerosols) measured simultaneously with φA, and were found to be 0.7-1.0cm/s which agree fairly well with the values obtained by other researchers.
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