- 論文の詳細を見る
An uncertainty in the method of determination of radioactive iodine (131I) in milk with a NaI (Tl) scintillation spectrometry of which procedure manual is provided by the Science and Technology Agency is analyzed on the basis of a train of the actually measured data, and a minimum detectable activity in a routine monitoring is estimated. Judging from the error analysis, the total systematic error of the concentration of 131I in milk is about 10pCi/l, which is mainly attributed to the presence of natural radioactive nuclides except 40K, and the total random error is ±6 pCi/l resulting from the counting error and the deviation in gain adjustment. If we define a minimum detectable activity as the sum of systematic error and three times random error, it would be about 30pCi/l for 131I, But in case some other unexpected nuclides are contained in milk, this method cannot afford to determine the concentrations precisely.
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