【シンポジウム基調報告】農と食をめぐる問題解決について : −フードシステムの視点からの提起−
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Pal System has operated its business based on the merchandise policy, with a commitment to support various activities to vitalize regional communities. Strategies which Pal System has adopted to develop its own direct-from-the-farm system are the following: integration of merchandise and regional policy as well as promotion of mutual understanding between consumers and producers through workshop, expansion of its business into produce distribution and meat processing industries, and broadening of handling commodities in both areas, deepening of 4 criteria for the direct-from-the-farm system, and development of new business model with the prospect of resource circulation and environmental conservation.Pal System has embraced the direct-from-the-farm system as its major management strategy, and incorporated managerial resources of production centers into its managerial core competence. Among Co-operative Union, Pal System has developed one of the most advanced and comprehensive direct-from-the-farm system, and presents an important approach for establishing the food system where production and consumption are optimally connected.
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