飽和砂層内における放射性核種の挙動に関する研究(III) : 石英砂層カラム内における長寿命放射性核種の移動におよぼすpHの影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
The movement of radionuclides through a sandy layer was studied by mainly using the miscible displacement technique. The adsorption distributions along a quartz sandy layer were obtained under the control of pH, the concentration of diffusing substances, the volume of leaching solution and so on. The main results obtained are as follows : (1) the mobility of divalent radionuclides is influenced by the carrier concentration over the region of 10-1peq/ml, total ion concentration. (2) the higher the pH of raw solution is, the smaller the mobility of the divalent radionuclides becomes, and the magnitude of the mobility is in the order, 85Sr (-54Mn)>60Co>109Cd>65Zn, (3) though the mobility of radionuclides such as 144Ce, 95Zr, 95Nb and 106Ru which are adsorbed extreamly on the sand is not so influenced by the concentration of carrier and the pH of raw solution, some quantity of the soluble radionuclides is convected by the same velocity as the interstitial water in the sandy layer.
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- 7. 作業環境中におけるトリチウムの動態 (核融合炉内外におけるトリチウムのメインテナンスと廃棄物処理)
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- 飽和砂層内における放射性核種の挙動に関する研究(III) : 石英砂層カラム内における長寿命放射性核種の移動におよぼすpHの影響
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- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Estimation of exposure rates due to gamma-rays from standard sources used for calibration of exposure-rate-meters.
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- Reports from Radiation Workers (Vol. 22, No. 2)
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