Optimal temperature operation for hydrolysis of sucrose by immobilized invertase.
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Taking the hydrolysis of sucrose by invertase as an example, optimal temperature operation (OTO) for the batchwise immobilized enzymatic reaction accompanied by first-order enzyme deactivation was studied. From a comparison with isothermal operation (ITO), the following results were obtained. 1) Both in OTO and in ITO, ξ (=ratio of the activation energy of deactivation to that of reaction) is the most important parameter for operational design concerning the effective use of immobilized enzyme. The larger the value of ξ, the more the enzyme can be utilized repeatedly to result in higher conversion. 2) It was found theoretically and experimentally that OTO gives higher final conversion, Xf, at given βf (final residual enzymatic activity) and tf (total reaction time) than ITO. 3) In OTO, a parameter βf, exp, the advisable minimum enzymatic activity at the final stage of the operation, is a useful measure for the design of optimal temperature operation.
- 公益社団法人 化学工学会の論文
Ooshima Hiroshi
Department Of Applied And Bioapplied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University
Harano Yoshio
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University
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