A Case of "Acute Hemorrhagic Rectal Ulcer".
- 論文の詳細を見る
A 49 year old man developed sudden painless fresh hematochezia while working in july, 1992. The bleeding stopped spontaneously. Colonoscopy revealed a band-like multiple shallow irregular geographical ulcers mainly on the posterior wall of the rectum near the dentate line. Biopsy confirmed only mild fibrosis of the mucosa. Little inflammatory cell infiltration and no sperific in flammatory findings were observed. No other symptoms except bleeding developed. Systemic checkup was negative for bleeding diathesis or anything that may trigger bleeding. He has had experienced similar self-limited bleeding episodes at 23, 38, 43, and 46 years of age. These episodes were most likely due to lesions similer to this time.<BR>To our knowledge, no case of recurrent "acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcers" has been previously reported in japan. We report this case because it must be very rare.
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