A Study on Perioperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy with an Administration of Neocarzinostatin in Rectal Cancer. Especially on Neocarzinostatin Distribution to Regional Lymph Nodes.:Especially on Neocarzinostatin Distribution to Regional Lymph Nodes
- 論文の詳細を見る
The prognosis of curative resection cases of the rectal cancer has potential for lymph node metastasis or autonomic disorders due to wide lymph node excision. However, a few studies on anti-tumor agents injected to lymphatic system has been reported.<BR>We attempted perioperative adjuvant chemotherapy with an administration of Neocarzinostatin : NCS, the high molecular weight anti-tumor agent. Ten thousand unit of NCS was injected to 37 patients with the rectal cancer and the concentration in the reginal lymph nodes was measured. NCS injected into the subserosa or submucosa of oral and anal side of carcinoma. NCS was well distributed to the regional lymph nodes. When the cumurative survival rate were analyzed statistically, NCS administration group (n=37) showed not to be significant as compared with the non-NCS group (n=75). However, in the three year survival rate, NCS group (85.4%) showed to be better than the non-NCS group (66.7 %). Incurative resection cases, NCS group showed to be significant (p<0.05).<BR>Perioperative administration of NCS is usefull means of treating as the targeting adjuvant chemotherapy in rectal cancer.
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- A Study on Perioperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy with an Administration of Neocarzinostatin in Rectal Cancer. Especially on Neocarzinostatin Distribution to Regional Lymph Nodes.:Especially on Neocarzinostatin Distribution to Regional Lymph Nodes