Intractable Anal Diseases. Intractable Internal Hemorrhoids.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have performed surgery on 2, 442 patients with internal hemorrhoids over the past 3 years in our hospital. We have studied, in particular, the characteristics of and alternative treatment plans for cases of intractable internal hemorrhoids.<BR>The patients consisted of those in whom conventional surgery was impossible because of the severity and condition of the internal hemorrhoids, recurrent cases, patients complicated by other anal lesions, cases resembling internal hemorrhoids, and patients with complications at sites other than the anus.<BR>For these cases, it was necessary to determine the pathological condition and to make innovations in and take into account the type of surgical procedure to be used. The aim of the surgical procedure was to restore normal anal function as soon as possible.
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- Intractable Anal Diseases. Intractable Internal Hemorrhoids.